
Stay Home and Avoid Contact With Others

If you live with other people, separate yourself from them as much as you can. 穿一件 acceptable and well-fitting mask or face covering at all times when you are around other people.

如果测试呈阳性, you are required to isolate until you are no longer infectious, regardless of your vaccination status. 检查 疾病控制与预防中心的指导意见中 for Isolation timeframe.

如果测试呈阳性, it is your responsibility to identify and communicate with individuals who have spent 15 minutes or more with you over a 24-hour period and were within 6 feet of you up to two days before your first symptom(s) developed. You can advise them to follow the instructions for quarantining found within 疾病控制与预防中心的指导意见中 for quarantine and isolation. Contact tracing helps others get tested or quarantine as they could begin infecting others.

不要外出 except to get tested or for essential medical care that cannot be rescheduled. If you must go out, wear a mask. When traveling to any healthcare facility, call ahead (including pharmacies). Do not use public transportation or ride sharing. You are not permitted to enter UE buildings or participate in UE-sponsored in-person activities. Do not go to in-person classes or work. If you are in quarantine (with symptoms) or isolating (because you tested positive), communicate your absence from in-person classes or work.

  • 所有的学生: 完成 COVID-19 Reporting Form. You should notify your instructors that you will not be attending in-person classes due to illness. Your isolation time period will possibly be 5-10 days, meaning you may be out of class for that period of time. You are still responsible for any work during that time. You are responsible for making up any missed work. Keep your faculty member updated on your health in case things improve (and you can end isolation) or you start to feel worse. Call the Health Center if your symptoms worsen and you need additional support.
  • 员工: Please follow your department’s standard call out procedures. 完成 COVID-19 Reporting Form. You should notify your supervisor that you will not be attending in-person work due to illness and submit sick time as usual. (COVID-19 sick time is no longer a separate sick time category.) Your isolation time period will possibly be 5-10 days, meaning you may not be in-person for that period of time. Consider discussing working remotely (if possible for your responsibilities and if your symptoms are mild enough to do so).

Students in on-campus housing who test positive should review our Quarantine and Isolation on 校园 page if they have questions about meals, mail and packages, academics, services, and more.

Seek Medical Care, If You Need It

  • Students can schedule a virtual appointment at the UE Health Center or call 812-488-2033 and ask to speak with a nurse.
  • Employees should contact their healthcare provider or the UE Health Center by calling 812-488-2033.
  • If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911.

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